Here at Contractor Source, we’re incredibly proud of the Tru Hue concrete dye we offer our contractors and DIY enthusiasts alike. The Tru Hue Integral concrete dye colors are sold by the yard and, unless otherwise noted, are intended to be used with one bag per yard.
Integral concrete color is still the most common — and easiest — way to color concrete. Concrete is mixed with finely ground iron oxide pigments, called integral colors, before it is poured, allowing you to control how much pigment is applied. Cement is loaded according to the total cement used in each yard of concrete. See the Frequently Asked Questions section below where we’re going to cover some of the additional FAQs customers might have before purchasing.
What Makes Walttools’ Integral Color Concrete Pigment a Superior Product?
Our Tru Hue Integral Color Concrete Pigments are superior to those of our competitors due to our attention to detail throughout the manufacturing process. We started out as concrete contractors and have developed in-depth knowledge of the concrete industry and decorative processes, tools, and finish products, which has made us a trusted partner for countless concrete specialists, including our in-house product line, Walttools. It’s the number one priority of Walttools’ product engineers to provide tradespeople and experienced DIYers with concrete stamps, skins, rollers, liners, inserts and molds that provide the precision and ease of use required for an impressive finished product that’s both professional and durable.
When concrete is integrally pigmented, the entire batch is colored, so chips and abrasions will not reveal the stark white spots found with the surface color. Our Tru Hue concrete dye colors are offered in a wide variety of customizable color palettes and earth tones that will seamlessly blend into your landscape designs or architectural colors already integrated.
What Products Work Well with Integral Concrete Color Dye?
If you’re interested in purchasing our Tru Hu Integral Colors for your projects, you might also be interested in a number of other products we carry. Our Southwest Slate Texture Seamless Skins Set, for instance, is a four-piece set that produces incredible texture and details for overlays and concrete surfaces. It pairs well with any roller we offer, and the results are consistently impressive.
Our Tru Impressions Reactive Concrete Stain is another product you might want to try out. It’s regarded as one of our most revolutionary products that will allow consumers to get the benefits of an acid-based stain without the hassles associated with acid-based stains.
You might also opt for the American Flagstone Concrete Stamp set, which is a premier product in this particular category. Its meticulous design is rotational and fully functional, with a wide variety of textures available to provide a finished surface that’s beautiful and functional.
Need Help Deciding What Your Next Step Should Be For Concrete Dyes?
We understand that there are endless choices out there when it comes to bringing your vision to life with your outdoor area. At Contractor Source, we know that every situation is different and that it’s important to carefully weigh your options so that you don’t end up wasting money. If you need help choosing your concrete coloring products, contact us!
Integral color concrete pigment is very traditional and using it consists of simply adding an iron oxide colored pigment to the concrete as it is mixing, either in the redi-mix truck or by hand. It is often referred to as concrete dye and concrete pigment, though it is not a dye at all. It infuses color all the way through the material and produces long-lasting, fade-resistant color, so it is often a choice for slabs that will endure a lot of traffic and abuse, as chips are not as noticeable. Integral color often provides the “background” color for the contrasting colors of Accent Release, Antiquing Agents, or Concrete Stains. Walttools Tru Hue concrete pigments are potent and there is a good variety of colors to match most environments. Walttools Tru Hue Integral color pigment is packaged in convenient, repulpable paper (dissolvable) bags, and is added into the redi-mix concrete truck based on the number of yards being poured.
With integrally colored concrete, the entire batch of concrete is colored, thus future chips and abrasions will not expose the stark white spots as when using a surface color method. The Tru Hue color palette includes a variety of earth tones that will blend will any landscape design or integrated architectural colors.
Using Integral Concrete Color Dyes
Concrete integral color is the most common (and maybe still the easiest) way to color your concrete projects. Integral colors are finely ground iron oxide pigments that are thoroughly mixed with the concrete before it is poured, allowing you a wide range of coloration based on how much color is put on. How much is put in is calculated by loadings based on total cement used in each yard of concrete. 1 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent, and 4 percent are what you will find most of the time.
Economy loading 1 percent, is great for stamping purposes. These are softer colors that are just enough to remove the “gray” and work very well with darker, contrasting releases OR tique wash products like Tru Tique. Walttools has 13 standard colors that fit this category. At $12.50 per yard compared to $30 or more, the savings can get ridiculous for those doing a lot of concrete stamping. These colors are also great when one wants to add stains, borders, etc.
Double that up and you have 2 percent loading. This is where the pigments become able to show themselves as they really are. The same pigments as one percent now produce stronger hues, overcoming the gray. These are more common when doing interior floors or a simple broom/trowel finish surface without using any contrasting color products like release or stains.
3 and 4 percent loading produces quite strong colors that give a bold statement. They are less often used for stamping because they may not allow enough contrast from release or antique products. The price on these amounts can start to get pretty high. Still, Walttool Tru Hue colors such as Brick Red and Charcoal will run $50 per yard but that compares very well to $65 to $80 or more from others. They do very well when machine troweled giving a very bold, burnished look.
Walttools Tru Hue colors are packaged PER YARD so you do not have to worry about any math except making sure you have the same number of bags as yards of concrete. A few colors that may require more than one bag per yard are identified in the description and those orders are filled accordingly. Lastly, as a general rule to calculate yardage, plan for each yard of concrete occupying 80 square feet(82) when doing a standard 4-inch pour. So if you measure for your pad and it’s 20 feet by 30 feet, then multiply 20 times 30 and get 600. Divide 600 by 80 and get 7.5 yards. They will round up to 8 so order 8 bags of the color you want.
It is always advisable to do a standard one-yard mockup and allow it to cure a few days to judge the color. Computer screens can vary greatly. Also, keep in mind that the choice of sealer affects the color. Solvent-based sealers usually enhance and darken the color and are a closer match to the colors shown.
Most colors are based on a ONE bag per yard scale.
- Pre-packed Tru Hue integral colors are conveniently packaged in one-bag-per-cubic-yard, “repulpable” paper bags for easy addition to ready mixed concrete. In addition to ready mixed concrete, Tru Hue Concrete Color is widely used in various concrete applications, starting with decorative concrete flatwork and concrete countertops, pre-cast, tilt-up panels, mortar, and architectural concrete blocks stucco, cast stone, and many others.
- This integral color is made from pure/natural and synthetic metal oxide pigments, and it contains no fillers or extenders, which are often used by some companies to increase weight, thus increasing your price.
- Easy to order: just purchase one unit* for each cubic yard of concrete. The weighing has been done for you!
- Color temperatures of computer monitors vary. Various concrete finishing factors may result in variation of the result.
- Bulk prices also available. Just call.
* Select colors are made by combining certain bags. These colors are noted individually on their page.